Development of a prioritisation tool for the updating of clinical guideline questions: a protocol publication

Researchers from the Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre - Biomedical Research Institute Sant Pau (IIB Sant Pau) have published a protocol to develop a prioritisation tool for updating clinical guideline questions: the UpPriority Tool.

To develop the tool they will perform a multi-step process including (1) generation of an initial version of the tool, (2) optimisation of the tool (feasibility test of the tool, semi-structured interviews, Delphi consensus survey, external review by clinical guidelines methodologists and users, and pilot test of the tool), and (3) approval of the final version of the tool.

The UpPriority Tool will be able to support the standardisation of prioritisation processes for updating clinical guidelines, and will therefore have important implications for a more efficient use of resources in the field of clinical guidelines.

Reference: Martínez García L, Pardo-Hernandez H, Niño de Guzman E, Superchi C, Ballesteros M, McFarlane E, et al. Development of a prioritisation tool for the updating of clinical guideline questions: the UpPriority Tool protocol. BMJ Open. 2017;7:e017226.