The initiative S4BE was launched on December 6, 2013. This project supported by the UK Cochrane Centre (UKCC) aims to create an on-line community for all students around the world in any healthcare discipline, or those with an interest in evidence. S4BE is a growing network of students from around the world, from school age to university, who are interested in learning more about evidence-based healthcare (EBH). This is a community for students, by students. Students 4 Best Evidence is in collaboration with several organisations to help get evidence-based healthcare into student education.
The Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre was one of the first organisations to offer support to S4BE project. Given the importance of this initiative for the work of The Cochrane Collaboration, the organisation encourages all employees to become familiar with the objectives of S4BE, and to consider how to take this campaign to their own local networks and institutions.
For more information and resources, please read the flyer or visit the website S4BE: http://www.students4bestevidence.net/