Workshop on EPPI-Reviewer 4: a tool to assist in the management of systematic reviews

Date: 28th November 2017 (9 am to 5 pm)

Location: Hospital Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)

Description: EPPI-Reviewer is an online tool that supports complex analysis for review teams. EPPI-Reviewer ensures that reviews in complex areas are sufficiently supported, offering meta-analyses, framework synthesis and thematic synthesis.

Organizer: Cochrane Associate Centre of Madrid

Methods: Theory and practical with the participation of students.

Addresssed at: Health professionals and researches in the areas of health sciences, social sciences or economics, with basic knowledge of systematic reviews.

Language: English

Teacher: Jeff Brunton, research officer at the EPPI-Centre, UCL Institute of Education, Londres.

Cost: free

Inscription opens on November 24th. Bringing a laptop is necessary.

To enroll please fill in the following online form: More information available here.