Investigación sobre los procesos de difusión social de la I+D+I

Publicaciones de investigadores del Centro Cochrane Iberoamericano (CCIb) sobre la comunicación social de la ciencia y la transferencia del conocimiento en salud.

  • Madrid E, Briceño F, Meza N, Bracchiglione J, Metzandorf M-I, Garnham R, Escobar-Liquitay C, Casino G, Cervera A, Urrútia G, Franco J V A. (2024). A readability assessment of Plain Language Summaries and abstracts of Cochrane Reviews in Spanish and English before and after guidance of standards. Abstracts accepted for the 2nd Global Evidence Summit, Prague, Czech Republic. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024; (1 Suppl 1) Abstract#116
  • Casino G, Cervera A. (2024). Multilayered and multiformat dissemination of Cochrane reviews with
    the participation of Spanish consumers: the Cochrane Responde project. Abstracts accepted for the 2nd Global Evidence Summit, Prague, Czech Republic. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024; (1 Suppl 1) Abstract#1895
  • Jofra LS, Alonso-Coello P, Martínez EC, de Britos Marsal C, Gallego Iborra A, Niño de Guzman Quispe EP, Pérez-Gaxiola G, Requeijo C, Roqué I Figuls M, Rosenbaum S, Salas-Gama K, Urreta-Barallobre I, Martínez García L. (2023). Piloting the informed health choices resources in Barcelona primary schools: A mixed methods study. PLoS One. 18(7):e0288082.
  • Prados-Bo A, Rabassa M, Bosch M, Casino G. (2022). Online information in Spanish on probiotics, yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, fibre and prebiotics: an analysis of the quality of information and the certainty of the evidence supporting health claims. BMJ Open. 12(8):e063316.
  • Casino G. (2022). Comunicación en tiempos de pandemia: información, desinformación y lecciones provisionales de la crisis del coronavirus. Gac Sanit. 36 Suppl 1:S97-S104.
  • Prados-Bo A, Casino G. (2022). How have quality newspapers covered the microbiome? A content analysis of The New York Times, The Times, and El País. Journalism.
  • Martínez García L, Samsó Jofra L, Alonso-Coello P, Ansuategi E, Asso Mistral L, Ballesteros M, Canelo-Aybar C, Casino G, Gallego Iborra A, Niño de Guzmán Quispe EP, Requeijo C, Roqué I Figuls M, Salas K, Ubeda M, Urreta I, Rosenbaum S. (2021). Teaching and learning how to make informed health choices: Protocol for a context analysis in Spanish primary schools. F1000Res. 10:312.
  • Prados-Bo A, Casino G. (2021). Microbiome research in general and business newspapers: How many microbiome articles are published and which study designs make the news the most? PLoS One. 16(4):e0249835.
  • Casino G (2020). Citation of Cochrane systematic reviews in newspapers. In: Advances in Evidence Synthesis: special issue. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020;(9 Suppl 1):p46
  • Ghezzi P, Bannister PG, Casino G, Catalani A, Goldman M, Morley J, Neunez M, Prados-Bo A, Smeesters PR, Taddeo M, Vanzolini T, Floridi L. (2020). Online Information of Vaccines: Information Quality, Not Only Privacy, Is an Ethical Responsibility of Search Engines. Front Med (Lausanne). 7:400.
  • Casino G., Prados-Bo A, Bosch-Llonch F. (2020). Articles on drugs in the Spanish press: How much information and what topics make the news?Prisma Social. 31:189–211. Recuperado a partir de
  • Rabassa M, Alonso-Coello P, Casino G. (2020). Nutrimedia: A novel web-based resource for the general public that evaluates the veracity of nutrition claims using the GRADE approach. PLoS One. 15(4):e0232393.
  • Casino G. (2019). Challenges and perspectives in the biomedical information ecosystem. El Profesional de la Información. 28(2): pp.e280205.
  • Casino G. (2018). Press citation: The impact of scientific journals and research articles on news media. El Profesional de la Información. 27(3):692-697.
  • Bosch F, Escalas C, Forteza A, Serés E, Casino G. (2018). A checklist for improving drug information in the general press: the importance of reporting on the phases and uncertainty of research. Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud. 9(2):203-214.
  • Casino G, Rius R, Cobo E. (2017). National citation patterns of NEJM, The Lancet, JAMA and The BMJ in the lay press: a quantitative content analysis. BMJ Open. 7(11):e018705.


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