simpleGRADE is a dissemination project that aims to explain the GRADE system in plain language for the general public. It has been conceived and developed by the Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre in collaboration with the Barcelona GRADE Centre. The first phase of the project consists of 10 dissemination pills on the GRADE classification of the certainty of evidence and the factors on which it depends. The information is structured in three layers and is complemented with videos and infographics, and also includes a practical guide providing guidelines to help roughly estimate the certainty of research findings on a health intervention practical guide with guidelines to roughly estimate the certainty of the results of research about a health intervention.
Practical guide
Algunos conceptos básicos
- Tratamiento: cualquier tipo de intervención de salud, ya sea un medicamento, una dieta, un programa educativo, una terapia psicológica u otra.
- Desenlace: cualquier beneficio o daño del tratamiento que se mide en los estudios
- Efecto observado: resultado del tratamiento sobre un desenlace
- Certeza: grado de confianza que merece el efecto observado
Guía práctica para estimar de forma aproximada la certeza de los resultados de la investigación
Vídeos de apoyo